
Mail Week #49

Happy independence day of Finland! I'm so proud of my country and proud to be a Finn. 

Here's all mail of this week!

Letters I sent to Poland and Hong Kong (the last ones that aren't Christmas and/or winter themed) :

To Chloe, HK (I wrote it already more than a week ago xD) :

And to Martyna, Poland:

Mail I received from Japan, U.S.A and China:

From Shine, China:

From Jadey, California:

From Haruka, Japan:

Thank you so much! 

1 kommentti:

  1. IHANIA posteja!! Pitäisi saada itseä niskasta kiinni ja kirjoittamaan niin ehkä niitä kirjeitäkin tulisi takaisin päin hieman useammin :D


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